Tuesday 29 December 2015

[Food & Recipe] Buttermilk Chicken

A hit in our small household.

I have tried roasting them, frying them. I have tried using chicken thighs, wings, drumstick and strips. Eventually arrived to the best that suit our taste buds - chicken stripes, coat with tepung RFC batter and deep fry.
Untuk buttermilk, saya guna substitute coz it's way cheaper. Last time I checked, buttermilk dijual RM18+ for 250ml. That is a bit too much for my wallet, so saya guna bahan pengganti. Cuma guna susu segar, atau low fat, atau full cream. Whatever is available dalam fridge, itulah yang saya capai.
1. Fresh milk / low fat / full cream
2. 3 tbsp white vinegar
3. Salt
4. Pepper
5. 10 pcs chicken strips
- In a cup, tuang 3 tbsp cuka makan. Kemudian masukkan susu hingga penuh cawan. Biarkan few minutes sampai memekat sehingga ada a bit of curds (seakan-akan tekstur yoghurt).
- Masukkan salt and pepper.
- Masukkan ayam.
- Marinade for 1-2 hours in fridge.
- Deep fry for 10 minutes.

I normally make 2 portions and keep them frozen. Kalau nak makan for dinner, then pagi-pagi keluarkan dari freezer and thaw dalam fridge.

Not fully thawed. Keluar dr freezer at around 6am. This is at 7.30pm. But can do la. Just separate the pieces.

And before deep frying, I coat them with this tepung. The best tepung goring so far. Untuk gorengan yang masin-masin. For pisang, keledek, tak berapa kena di tekak saya. Ni saya beli dari officemate, RM12 sepeket.
Tips 1: buat batter guna chilled water. insyaAllah rangup
Tips 2: guna bekas yang sama untuk bancuh batter
Leave for 10 minutes or so
Our dinner semalam. Buttermilk chicken, salad, tomatoes and tortilla wrap.

Selain dimakan dengan tortilla wraps or dibuat as sandwich filling, we often had this with couscous. Simple dan mengenyangkan.