Thursday 25 February 2016

[Rambling] Windy Day & [Edu-Aid] Bukit Bundar

Peace be upon you.

Hari ni agak berangin di kawasan kejiranan saya. Ada dahan-dahan pokok patah. Pasu tumbang. Daun-daun kering bersepah-sepah.
Setakat ni, usai menghantar Budak Benyek ke sekolah. Kakak dan Ah Boi pun dah dijemput balik ke rumah. Ummi sakit kepala hari ni, jadinya tadi singgah makan nasi ayam saja.
Rutinnya di sebelah petang hari persekolahan, balik ke rumah - mandi, makan tengahari, solat dan rehat. Homework dan KUMON bermula jam 3:30 petang. Ah Boi kadang-kadang insist nak start homework right away lepas selesai mandi, makan dan solat. Ummi insist dia rehat dulu so nanti nak start homework, mindanya lebih segar dan relaks. Lagipun, Ummi nak duduk-duduk tengok tivi jugek hehe.
Jam 4:30, saya start semak their books and bagi extra exercise. Kiranya itulah kelas tusyen Cikgu Ummi, where no one can escape. Untuk Budak Benyek tu, kelas tusyen Cikgu Ummi kira-kira jam 9:30 pagi.
Like I said, to teach, one must learn. Last week saya found out my two boys tak berapa faham konsep bundar. Well, sebab saya pun tak berapa nak faham, makanya google la jawabnya kan. Ada beberapa cara but I am most comfortable with the concept of BUKIT BUNDAR. Maaf saya tak ingat di page mana yang saya tengok but, many many thanks kepada yang share konsep ni.
First and foremost, kita lukis BUKIT BUNDAR dulu. And plant this image in mind.
Bukit ni ada dua bahagian iaitu kiri dan kanan.
KIRI - nombor 1, 2, 3 dan 4. Bawah bukit kita letak +0, sebabnya kalau ikut hukum matematik, jika 1, 2, 3 dan 4 adalah nombor selepas nilai tempat yang hendak dibundarkan, kita tak perlu tambah apa-apa.
KANAN - nombor 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Bawah bukit pula +1. Sebabnya nilai tempat yang dibundarkan akan di tambah 1 jika nombor berikutnya ialah 5, 6, 7, 8 dan 9
Contoh 1
Bundarkan 843 kepada puluh terdekat.
Step 1 - kenal pasti nilai tempat yang hendak dibundarkan.
Dalam contoh ini, rumah PULUH. Tandakan nombor tu.
8 4 3
Step 2 - lihat nombor di kanan nya.
Dalam contoh ini, sebelah kanan ialah SA dan nilainya ialah 3.
8 4 3
Step 3 - Ingat BUKIT BUNDAR kita!
3 berada di sebelah KIRI BUKIT BUNDAR, maka nya +0 pada tempat yang hendak dibundarkan, iaitu 4 +0 ( =4)

Step 4 - letak 0 pada rumah-rumah di sebelah KANAN nombor yang dibundarkan itu.
Maka jawapannya 840
Contoh 2
Bundarkan 875 kepada ratus terdekat.
Step 1 - kenal pasti nilai tempat yang hendak dibundarkan.
Dalam contoh ini, rumah RATUS. Tandakan nombor tu.
8 7 5
Step 2 - lihat nombor di kanan nya.
Dalam contoh ini, sebelah kanan ialah PULUH dan nilainya ialah 7.
8 7 5
Step 3 - Ingat BUKIT BUNDAR kita!
 7 berada di sebelah KANAN BUKIT BUNDAR, maka nya +1 pada tempat yang hendak dibundarkan, iaitu 8 +1 ( =9)
Step 4 - letak 0 pada rumah-rumah di sebelah KANAN nombor yang dibundarkan itu.
Maka jawapannya 900
Kalau dalam konsep PERPULUHAN pun, ada penggunaan konsep BUNDAR ni. Contohnya kalau soalan - BERIKAN JAWAPAN DALAM TIGA TITIK PERPULUHAN. Katakan lepas dah kira-kira.. jawapan kita ambil hingga empat titik perpuluhan..  3.1468.
Mula-mula kita tengok nombor ke-tiga perpuluhan tu. Dalam contoh ni ialah 6 (3.1468).
Lepas tu kita tengok nombor di kanannya. Dalam contoh ni.. 8 (3.1468)
Kemudian, ingat BUKIT BUNDAR kita - 8 berada di sebelah KANAN BUKIT BUNDAR, jadi 6 perlu +1 ..
Jawapan 3.147

Ini cara that I am comfortable with and I think my kids senang nak faham this way. Just to supplement apa yang guru-guru dah ajar di sekolah. 
So, inilah perkongsian Cikgu Ummi hari ni.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

[Thoughts] [Rambling] With Every Hardship, There is Relief

Peace be upon you.
Day 24.
Of leave.

Slowly coping with all these. Indeed, the grass is always greener on the other side. After 24 days, I conclude that this is not as easy peasy breezy as I thought.
For one thing, when situation changes, expectation changes. When a mom stays home, expectation is that - breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table. And the table is at home. No more Mt St Laundry to scale on weekends. I kid you not. I barely cope! I can't even remember the last time I slap on face moisturiser.

And the weather is super-hawt on most days. Imagine how the kids are tolerating the hot weather going to and coming back from school (and vice-versa) at noon. Personal experience, the moment you step out from the comfort of your air-conditioned car, a rush of hotness greets you. Almost like opening the door of an oven while standing right in front of it!
The sendings and fetchings.. homework assisting.. house chores..
Yes, these,.. can tire you out.
But the strange thing about motherhood and being mom is that, all these, the things that tire you out, are the ones that make you happy and satisfied.
I am slowly tutoring my kids. These days I am up to ... learning! To teach, one must learn. Agree? I flip on text books, checking for information on the internet, join virtual groups with the word 'UPSR' or 'KSSR' or 'PT3' in the name.
Over tak? He he. But that is the objective of me leaving the office.
To be where and with whom I am most needed.
May Allah bless everyone.
May Allah ease our journey in nurturing our children.
InsyaAllah, so verily, with every hardship, there is relief.

Thursday 18 February 2016

[Ramblings] [Food & Recipe] Too Much Love & Bubur Jagung

Peace be upon you.

Kids are either unwell or lethargic these days. Husband asked if too much love can make one sick :-)  Maybe Ummi should go back to work. All geleng kepala.
Kids! Please remember that this is only temporary.
I blame it on the hot weather and for the insufficient plain water my kids take. And that is partly my fault. A mom sure has a lot on her plate.
Anyway, last weekend beli jagung. Cadangnya nak buat bubur. Well, my plan did took off but very-very much later. Semalam baru lah jagung sudah menjadi bubur he he.  

[1]   3 tongkol jagung
[2]   1 keping nisan kelapa
[3]   2 sudu besar gula
[4]   1 sudu teh garam
[5]   200 ml santan (saya guna santan kotak)
[6]   1 helai daun pandan
[7]   2 sudu besar sagu

-   Hiris isi jagung dari tongkolnya. Masukkan dalam periuk.
-   Masukkan tiga cawan gelas air ke dalam periuk berisi jagung. Masukkan juga nisan kelapa dan sagu dan daun pandan.
-   Masak di atas api sederhana hingga mendidih. Biarkan mendidih kira-kira 10 minit atau sagu separa jernih.
-   Perisakan dengan gula dan garam.
-   Masukkan santan. Didihkan kira-kira 5 hingga 10 minit. Sentiasa kacau supaya tidak berketul dan pecah minyak.
-   Sedap dimakan panas atau sejuk.
Mine was a little starchy and thick from the sagu. I am okay with that as I can make lollies out of the leftover later.
Salt in bubur manis will enhance the flavour and so the bubur will not taste plain sweet.
Ah Boi loves this. He normally drink hot chocolate every night after coming back from tuition. He gave an exception last night and ate this instead.
So that is our dessert for the week. I told kids that I am only going to make a cake or jelly or bubur on weekly basis. Let's see how long we will stick to this ;-)

Tuesday 16 February 2016

[Love of My Life] [Rambling] Trust in Allah, Tie Your Camel

Peace be upon you.

Hari ni hantar Budak Benyek2 ke sekolah then fetched Ah Boi and Kakak. Ah Boi sits for a 3-days diagnostic exam starting today.

Hari ni paper Bahasa Malaysia 1, Bahasa Malaysia 2 and Math 1.

Bahasa Malaysia 1 okay katanya.
Bahasa Malaysia 2 pun okay.
Math susah.
I was never good in Math. In fact, with anything that deals with number. Funny thing is, when it comes to sales discount, my little brain makes an exception. Laju je mengira :-)

Few years back, the year that Kakak sat for UPSR, about three months before the actual exam, she still flunk her Math papers or dapat markah cukup-cukup makan. Not saying that I am better than anyone else but when it comes to certain things, mother knows how best to tackle things. So I tutored her. The mak-rimau mak-singa style. Memang mengaum la. Kadang-kadang sampai nangis si Kakak. I went checking her text-books, belajar balik cara jawab exam these days.

And she got an A for Math in UPSR.

So now I am tutoring Ah Boi pulak. With him I cannot use mak-rimau mak singa style. I am aware of his limitations. While I push him, bend him, I need to make sure I don't break him. Delicate? Yes. But InsyaAllah.

As a quote goes - Trust in Allah but always tie your camel.
Usaha. Kemudian baru berserah pada Allah.


Monday 15 February 2016

[Food & Recipe] Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns & Tuna Mayo Rolls (with eggs)

Meroti lagi!

Tuna Mayo are the ones that resemble ladam kuda terlebih zat. Gemoks!

Kali ni guna telur. Unlike last time that I did not use eggs. This time, still buat Cranberry Cream Cheese buns. Ada lebihan tuna from our sushi adventure two days back.. I made Tuna Mayo rolls as well.
Here's sharing the dough recipe.

[1]   3 3/4 cup bread flour
[2]   1/4 cup multi purpose flour
[3]   1/2 cup sugar
[4]   1/2 cup milk powder
[5]   2 eggs
[6]   60 gm butter
[7]   200 ml fresh milk
[8]   11 gm yeast

Just put everything in mixer bowl and let the dough hook do its magic. Alternatively, you can hand knead.. for about ten minutes till the dough is elastic. Cover the bowl with tea towel and give it a good rest till it doubles the size.

The fillings. Tuna mayo (L) and Cream Cheese (R)
There's many other ways, like putting the yeast in sugar water till it bubbles, then only add it up to other ingredients. Or leaving the milk and eggs at room temperature.

I just pour in cold milk, eggs straight from the fridge, cold butter. Everything together at one go. Alhamdulillah, my dough still turned out well. It may take longer time to proof but I am okay with that. Sambil-sambil tunggu tu boleh la buat benda-benda lain kan.
Just do whatever method that suits you best.

The inside of Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns

I love the way it is elastic and soft at the same time.
The inside of Tuna Mayo Rolls.

I rolled the dough flat then line it up with tuna mayo, leaving about 1 inch allowance along the edge.

Pastu gulung.

Dulu masa belajar SRT (Sains Rumahtangga) dari form one sampai form three, circa 1987-1989, for benda-benda manis, hidang dalam pinggan or piring bulat, while the savouries (salty and/or spicy) go into oval plate. Tea is served in teko rendah and coffee in teko tinggi. Everything has its own way of making and presenting. I had almost always tak berapa gemar SRT classes. Years gone by and I realized betapa bertuahnya dapat belajar SRT dulu-dulu.

But tengoklah ni, ex student SRT...  Semua naik atas dining table.. cutting board.. baking tin.

Obviously I need to have my home-science skills reassessed. Well, some part of it la. Hidang makanan dalam kuali is such a hip these days.. apalah sangat baking tin tu kan :-)

Thursday 11 February 2016

[Food & Recipe] Jelly Blueberry Cheesecake

So, anyone trapped in horrible traffic jam last weekend? We did! Took us four and a half hour from KL to my kampung in Temerloh. It's been ages since we last stuck like that. School's off for a week. Husband took an extra day off. Today I am with the kids at home. Kemas my sewing corner which sungguh bersepah you can hardly see the table surface. Andddd I am contemplating to go watch Ola Bola this coming weekends. I heard it's good.


As a continuation of my Cranberry Cream Cheese Buns (recipe here) I wrote about a bit more than a week before, I later made Jelly Blueberry Cheesecake (as per Ah Boi's request). After trying out several cakes recipe, I conclude that denser cakes are more preferred to their spongy fluffy counterparts. Top three favourites - Blueberry / Strawberry Cheesecake, Kek Nanas and Kek Lumut versi hantam saja by yours truly :-)
Bagi memudahkan proses makan and to save space in my fridge, I upgrade my cakes into small foil container with cover. If not is in its baking tin covered by aluminium foil and pushed into a corner in the fridge.
So, here's the recipe and it's graphical step-by-step.
First, mix 60 gm melted butter with 2 cups oreo crumb.
Boleh guna either ready-made oreo crumb or biskut oreo yang ada krim kat tengah tu. Peel off krim tu then blend guna dry mill. Banyak kerja sikit la tapinya.

Kemudian, ratakan dalam baking tin. Tekan-tekan sikit biar padat.

Here, I used small foil containers and a small springform tin.
Then, bakar selama 10 minit dalam oven 160d api atas bawah, fan on.
Leave to cool.
Meanwhile, pukul cream cheese dengan gula hingga lembut. Masukkan telur, light sour cream, tepung jagung dan blueberry pie filling.

Masukkan bahan demi bahan, making sure adunan sebati selepas setiap bahan diadun.
Ini lah rupa lepas siap di adun.
Tuang dalam acuan yang ada lapisan oreo tadi.
Bakar selama 15-20 minit untuk bekas kecil, 30-40 minit untuk bekas kecil.
Lepas siap dibakar, sejukkan seketika.
Sudukan blueberry pie filling di atas kek tadi.
Sementara itu, masak crystal jelly. Satu peket jelly ni dengan 400ml air.

Saya tambah jadi 420ml coz I want the jelly not too firm. I want them wobbly.

Dah masak, tuangkan atas kek with blueberry pie filling on top tadi.

Biarkan sejuk.

Kemudian chill in fridge.
Here I used strawberry pie filling with strawberry flavoured crystal jelly.
Highly recommended.
Makan sejuk-sejuk. 

Saturday 6 February 2016

[Food & Recipe] Easy Peasy Lamb Chop

Tau apa masalah sejagat kaum wanita?
Masalah kegagalan atau kesukaran menjawab soalan - hari ni nak masak apa?

Baru seminggu SAHM dah tak tau nak masak apa.

Few days back teringat masa borak-borak dengan ofismet pasal lamb chop or grilled lamb.
Mudah sangat katanya.
Tak payah beli yang fresh kat pasar tu.. guna yang frozen pun okay.

So, okay.
Frozen it is then.

Pegi AEON Big.
Picked a pack with least fat.
But not totally lean.
Grab a bottle of Heinz BBQ sauce.

Defrosted then rubbed with generous amount of BBQ sauce.
Let them lamb marinate. Simpan dalam fridge.

Mine was grilled in Magic Pan.
Mok koi bagi dulu te. Magic Pan te. Suka ngat weh.
(My mother gave me that some time ago. That Magic Pan. I am so happy).

Make sure pan itu panas. So that we seal the juice in masa masak.
Letak lamb then sprinkle with some salt and coarse black pepper.
After searing for about one minute, flip and sprinkle the other side with salt and pepper.
Sear each side for about one minute each then kecik kan api.
Tutup magic pan and let them cook for about 5 minutes.

I sliced mine supaya senang nak makan.
Suprisingly.. rasanya not bad.
Tho they lack that freshness taste, just a bit btw, tak de la hambar.
Daging nya pun soft.
I'd say, not bad la.

Thanks adek manes Sikulat Asma yang share resepi ni.

Friday 5 February 2016

[Drinks] [Food & Recipe] Herb Infused Drinks

For the past two weeks, my little blender had a goooooddd lonnnggggg rest.

Coz I didn't use it.
Smoothies mojo went down the drain.
Nevertheless, I made healthy drink (assumingly healthy la kan), pomegranate + honey and roselle + goji + red dates.
Pati Buah Delima Yusuf Taiyoob + Capilano Honey
If the above sedap minum sejuk-sejuk, minuman di bawah ni, I prefer suam-suam. Throw everything in a flask, bubuh air panas then keep it overnight untuk seduhkan.
Sourish from the dried roselles and goji berries with a hint of sweetness from red dates.
Here's how dried roselles look like
I am sure everyone is looking forward to the longgg weekend. I am stuck with the kids for a whole week next week, 24/7 as the school close for a week. Well, a good kinda of 'stuck together' insyaAllah. Not really having any concrete plans yet. See la how.
Take care everyone. Keep hydrated!
Spend good times with loved ones okay.

Thursday 4 February 2016

[Food & Recipe] Sticky Chicken Wings @ Kepak Ayam Madu

Antara makanan kegemaran anak-anak.
Easy peasy.

1. 8 keping kepak ayam - potong dua

Bahan tumis.. (hiris nipis atau tumbuk kasar)
1. 1/2 inci halia
2. 4 ulas bawang putih

Bahan sos.. (kacau sebati dalam mangkuk)
1. 2 sudu besar sos tiram
2. 1 sudu besar sos ikan
3. 2 sudu besar kicap pekat manis
4. 1-2 sudu besar madu

- Panaskan 3 sudu besar minyak masak.
- Tumis halia dan bawang putih hingga naik bau.
- Masukkan ayam dan masak selama kira-kira 5 minit.
- Tuangkan bahan sos.
- Goreng hingga bahan sos pekat. Guna api pelahan coz madu cepat hangit.

Kepak ayam saya asalnya tak berapa gelap. Saya tambah sos caramel waktu menggoreng.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

[Thoughts] Life's Biggest Regret & Clean Slate

I had meant to share some recipes earlier on, but an article caught my attention. Too good that I had to put on hold everything else I meant to write.
The article was about life's biggest regret.
"A blackboard stood in the middle of New York City asking passers-by to write down their biggest regrets. At first, each regret seemed different and unique. After all, everyone has a different story. But as the board filled up, we noticed that all of these responses had one alarming thing in common"

"They were about chances not taken.
They were about words not spoken.
They were about dreams not pursued."
Personally I have my own regrets too. I think most of us have.
At the same time I am a firm believer of being thankful.
Shouldn't we be thankful for every twist and turn that we take in our life?
They bring us to where we are now.
They make us what and who we are today.
True, that things could have been better.
But things could have been worse too.
At the end of the video, it imparts 'start fresh', everyday is a new day. Do things that we won't be regret not doing.

Monday 1 February 2016

[Bekal] Week 4 Twenty Sixteen

Bekal line-ups for final week of January.

Monday was Thaipusam.
School closed.
Office closed.
Public holiday.
So no bekal.


I was on leave but I woke up late. Hence a very simple easy peasy bekal - Cokodok Tuna and Apollo wafer.


Made Fried Pasta with Tuna (again!). Yeah I know, dah naik boring kan hehe.

Fried frozen doughnut and sprinkled with some sugar.

Also some gemok bananas.


Woke up late again! Just reheated frozen lasagne, frozen pancake and leftover Buttermilk Chicken.

And some biscuits.


I forgot to snap a photo of bekal hari Jumaat. Woke up at 6:15 a.m! My normal wake-up time is around 5:15 a.m. or 5:30 a.m. the latest. That would give me ample time to properly shower and prepare bekal. And probably some time for me to belit shawl hehe. But that didn't happen last Friday hehe.