Thursday 28 April 2016

[Food & Recipe] Kek Belang

Peace be upon you.

Salam Hari Khamis.
Ramai yang tak sabar tunggu hujung minggu ni kan. Sambung cuti, dapat 3 hari straight.

Jom cuba buat Kek Belang ni okay.. Bahan-bahan mudah, cara buat pun ringkas saja.
Made these (dapat 2 bekas) Apam Belang last week. Actually dah beberapa kali buat, but yang latest was the most glory-est of all :-) Cukup rasa. Very soft. The the color combo was just right. Pardon me for being syok-sendiri hehe. I was so happy with the result.

[1]   4 biji (saya guna 5 sebab telur kecik)
[2]   2 sudu teh ekstrak vanilla
[3]   1 sudu besar ovalette
[4]   200 gm gula kastor
[5]   250 ml susu segar
[6]   300 gm tepung naik sendiri
[7]   Emulco (saya guna perisa strawberry dan coklat)

- Masukkan telur, ekstrak vanilla, ovalette dan gula kastor di dalam mangkuk. Pukul bahan-bahan hingga benar-benar kembang. (Gunakan pemukul bentuk belon)
- Tuang susu segar sedikit demi sedikit dan teruskan mengadun hingga sebati.
- Masukkan pula tepung dan gaul sebati.
- Bahagikan adunan kepada tiga bahagian. Bahagian pertama di campur emulco strawberry. Bahagian kedua dengan emulco coklat. Bahagian ketiga tidak dicampurkan dengan apa-apa.
- Sendukkan bahagian pertama ke dalam bekas pengukus. Diikuti bahagian kedua dan ketiga, Ulang sehingga adunan habis.
- Kukus selama 30 minit

My personal preference - kombo perisa plain+coklat+strawberry yang paling sedap. Diikuti dengan plain+orange. Tried blueberry tapi it could not make it to my favourite list :-)

Some recipes call for pewarna instead of emulco. Well, it is up to masing-masing punya tastebud. I like the color and flavour when using emulco.

Potongan bersememeh. Not IG worthy at all hehe. Adunan as per recipe saya share di atas, yields 2 bekas. I use 9-inch springform. If guna springform, make sure to line with paper baking sheet. We don't want the mixture to seep kat tepi-tepi tu.
And cover penutup kukusan dengan teatowel untuk elakkan air kukusan jatuh atas adunan. Like I did. Nampak tengah-tengah tu (gambar kedua) ada corak hampir-hampir serupa telinga Mickey Mouse sbb air penutup kukusan jatuh atas tu.

Dah tau tapi buat jugak. Degil kan.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

[Another Year Older] Happy 42nd!

Peace be upon you.

Husband, turned 42 14th April 2016. That was like two Thursdays till now right? I baked him Jelly Blueberry Cheesecake. At 5:30pm he texted me telling that he was gonna be late from work. So me and the kids celebrated without him. Meaning, we started eating the cake without him! Lucky thing I divided and baked the cakes in small foil containers.

We had a small celebration at Nando's IOI City Mall the following Saturday. Just makan-makan. Round-round kejap then went back home.

Happy 42nd Yang! 

Wednesday 13 April 2016

[Thoughts] [Ramblings] Life Lessons.. (Termalu Sendiri)

Peace be upon you.
Minggu lepas - Jumaat.

Keluar rumah jam 12 tengahari untuk jemput Ah Boy dan Kakak balik sekolah. Tunggu di pagar sekolah rendah. Tak lama kemudian datang brother aiskrim naik motor. Saya belikan Adam satu aiskrim. Kemudian datang pulak brother aiskrim Malaysia, bawak satu tong aiskrim, satu tong nasi lemak untuk jualan. Ada tiga anak ikut sekali. Yang paling besar pun mungkin tadika (judging dari seragam tadika yang dipakai), yang paling kecik mungkin dalam dua tahun. Seluar baju agak lusuh, tapi bersih dan kemas. Dalam hati berkira-kira nak belikan budak-budak tu aiskrim yang scoop tu. Tapi dalam hati terpikir bimbang ayahnya terasa. Atau apa pulak orang lain cakap nanti. Tau-tau dalam saya dok berkira-kira, brother aiskrim motor tu dah bagi budak-budak tu aiskrim sorang satu. Bukan satu scoop, tapi tiga scoop. Suka budak-budak tu. Saya termalu sendiri.

Semalam - Selasa
Keluar dari AEON Big lepas beli groceries rumah. Didatangi wanita separuh umur, kiri kanan tangan ada plastik besar berisi keropok untuk jualan. Saya angkat tangan sambil senyum dan geleng kepala. Dia cuba lagi tapi saya tetap tak mau. Sebab di rumah pun ada keropok. Ah Boy teragak-agak. Jalan sambil tertoleh-toleh. Kemudian dia berhenti dan tanya kenapa saya tak beli.

Ummi tak belilah. Kat rumah pun ada keropok.
Tapi dia nampak macam orang susah Ummi.
Kita kena beli.

Dia pandang saya, seakan mengharap.
Pada akhirnya, duit RM4.00 bertukar tangan.
Ah Boy masuk kereta dengan sebungkus keropok di tangan.
Itulah sekolah paling hebat.
Tak perlu pakaian seragam.
Tak perlu buku-buku.
Tiada yuran apa pun.

It's called life.
Dan gurunya mungkin siapa saja..
Seorang brother perjual aiskrim bermotor yang saban hari berpanas (dan kadang-kadang berhujan) menjual aiskrim
Atau ..
Seorang anak berusia 12 tahun yang baru mengenal bunga-bunga kehidupan.

Monday 11 April 2016

[Food & Recipe] Oat Cookies [Love of My Life] Unwell

Peace be upon you.

It's been a while (again).
Hemm... the following two weeks after cuti sekolah, husband and the boys took turn tak sihat. Fever, batuk and selsema. Numerous trips to clinic with the boys, and days of MC. And finally Ummi caught the bug too. On one of those my unwell days, I texted husband to come back early coz I really need to lie down and sleep. Mine was not of so much fever, but throbbing headache and nausea.
And Alhamdulillah, Kakak and Adam si Budak Benyek Benyek got good results for their Fasa 1 exams. Ah Boy showed improvements and naik kelas. I had so much worries (I am a mother, worrying is one of my daily tasks hehe) that he can't take the heat. True that, the first day in new class, he came back with loads of homework and loads of catching up to do. Mak nya kena la support him during the transition and help him with his homework and see him do extra exercises for him to catch up.
Well, that explain the hiatus.

Alhamdulillah, now everyone is back on their feet. Except for husband who still has a bit of coughing. And Alhamdulillah, Ah Boy is catching up and adjusting.


Adam, my benyek-benyek boy, of late, is cultivating creativity. The other day, he made us went to Midvalley coz he needed to get Elmer's glue and borax for his slime project. Days prior to that, he went checking my baking supplies and insisted to do some dough-y thingy using corn-starch. Of course Ummi had to do the cleaning afterwards.

And last Sunday, he decided we needed to bake some oat-based cookies.

Sebab Adam nak makan cookies oat.

Banyak cantik. Dia ingat pling pling pling magic wand terus jadi cookies kot. Thinking that I'd better utilise the time while I am still on long leave.. why not? Makanya, menjadilah projek oat cookies nya. Of course he was very busy helping out.

Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak tuang!
Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak kacau! Nak kacau!
Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak cedok!
Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak buat! Nak buat!
Nak! Nak! Nak! Nak letak dalam oven!

He didn't want some ingredients such as raisin and hazelnut (Dalam resepi asal) Thank Godness, sebab dedua bahan tu memang takde kat rumah. I tried to persuade him to add some dried cranberries. Declined. Just oat, he said.
Recipe taken from this book that I bought way back in 2010. Baru test dua resepi kot from this book. Sebenarnya saya tak berapa rajin nak buat cookies coz of the leceh-ness. Nak terap or nak kena shape kan. Unlike cakes, boleh tuang je semua into baking pan.
After tweaking it, here's the recipe that we did..
[1]   225 gm mentega
[2]   140 gm gula castor
[3]   Secubit garam
[4]   1 biji kuning telur
[5]   225 gm tepung
[6]   50 gm oat
[7]   1 sudu teh esen vanilla
 - Dalam sebuah mangkuk, campurkan mentega, gula castor, garam dan esen vanilla. Gaul sebati menggunakan senduk kayu.
- Masukkan kuning telur dan kacau sebati.
- Masukkan tepung dan oat. Kacau lagi hingga sebati.
- Bentukkan bulat-bulat menggunakan sudu dan letakkan di atas dulang pembakar. Tekan sedikit untuk meleperkan dengan menggunakan garfu.
- Bakar di dalam oven pada 160C, api atas bawah, fan on selama 10-12 minit.
- Setelah masak, keluarkan dan alih cookies ke atas redai untuk menyejukkan.
- Simpan di dalam bekas kedap udara.
Kids love it. Terubat hati Ummi dok basuh besen-besen lepas buat cookies.