Sunday 29 May 2016

[Food & Recipe] Apple Puff & Tuna Puff

Peace be upon you

So, the mid-year term break has started! We kicked-off with having Budak Benyek circumcised. Since now Ummi cuti, I think it's a good time coz he's on mid-term break and I can pay full attention during his recovery period. We're doing good, Alhamdulillah.
Last week was a puff-kinda week. I had a pack of instant puff pastry sitting in my freezer for quite sometime. I just needed to do the filling only.
Mula-mula buat Apple Puff. Guna 2 biji Granny Smith green apple. Buang kulit and biji. Diced. Masak with a little water, sugar and cinnamon powder.

Tadaaaaaa! After 15 minutes in the oven, I am quite pleased on how these turned out. Forgot to egg-wash tho.

One sheet of puff pastry yields four parts. I cut the big square of a pastry sheet into four small squares. Spoon the filling and then simply fold them along the edges. Then, using a fork, pressed along edges, making sure betul-betul lekat bahagian tepi tu. Lepas tu, cut off the excess and uneven edges. Actually this step cosmetic saja, but I just couldn't help myself hehe. Snip off or prick to let steam escape while baking. 
See, tiga side yang ada kesan fork tu, and one without. That one without is bahagian tengah-tengah yang kita lipat puff tadi tu. 

And I also made Tuna Puff. Just mix tuna flakes (in can) with loads of mayo (I use Kewpie - once dah cuba, there's not turning back).
This batch, I buat triangle. Just cut the puff sheet into 4 triangle. Spoon the filling and fold. Lagi senang buat triangle shape. To me la. Yang ni ada egg-wash.
Easy peasy. Cubalah.  :-)

Thursday 26 May 2016

[Food & Recipe] Nasi Briyani

Peace be upon you

A couple of weeks ago, I made Nasi Briyani. From scratch.

Adapted 90% from original recipe taken from blog Best of Wardah. There's also a link to a video demonstration in that entry.
First time tengok ada orang share kat FB. Teruja nak buat coz it doesn't call for premix or instant biryani spices or paste. Kekonon nak challenge diri sendiri laa...
I didn't get the color macam dalam video tu. Nevertheless I am still satisfied with the outcome.
Husband oredi oder satu tray nanti nak bawak pegi ofis jamu kawan-kawan dia :-)
Resepi ni ada tiga bahagian iaitu
(1) Penyediaan ayam 
(2) Penyediaan nasi  
(3) Menggabungkan ayam + nasi

- Panaskan 1/2 cawan minyak dalam kuali.
- Tumis bawang besar hingga hampir garing. Awas jangan sampai hangit!
- Masukkan pula halia dan bawang putih yang dikisar

- Masukkan pula ayam. Biarkan hingga keluar air. Balik-balikkan supaya tak hangus.
- Kemudian masukkan rempah ratus - kulit kayu manis, buah pelaga, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, daun bay dan jintan manis.
- Kacau rata, hingga naik bau.

- Masukkan pula cili boh dan serbuk kunyit.

- Masukkan pula yoghurt. Kacau sebati.
- Kemudian masukkan air dan didihkan hingga ayam hampir masak.

Ayam is ready! Ketepikan dulu. Kita sediakan nasi pulak..


- Rendam beras selama 30 minit. Bersih dan toskan.
- Dalam satu periuk, masukkan air dan tambah garam, daun bay, bunga cengkih dan buah pelaga.
- Didihkan.
- Apabila sudah mendidih, masukkan beras yang ditos tadi. Tanak selama 10 minit.
- Toskan.


- Dalam satu tray, susun ayam. Tuangkan kuahnya.

- Susun pula daun ketumbar, tomato, lemon dan capsicum.

- Tuang nasi.
- Titiskan sedikit pewarna makanan. Saya guna warna oren.
- Dengan mengunakan tangkai sudu atau chopstick, buat lubang-lubang di atas nasi untuk membenarkan stim dari kuah ayam naik ke atas.
- Tutup tray dengan aluminium foil.
- Masukkan dalam oven selama 30-40 minit, pada suhu 160C

Like I have mentioned earlier, I copy 90% from the original recipe coz I couldn't find black cardamom. In fact tak tau pun kewujudan black cardamom. And tak jumpa juga peppercorn. Not whole peppercorn. And not even cracked peppercorn. Selalu ada je kat kedai. Memang ditakdirkan tak berjodohan masa nak buat biryani tu..

Macam complicated kan? But if you see the video demo, it is not that hard actually. And worth trying if you like biryani.
Highly recommended.

Sunday 15 May 2016

[Food & Recipe] Honey Biscuit

Peace be upon you

So, how was your weekends? Mine was a productive ones. At least by my standard.

Went to IKEA Cheras. Since I am now in my cookie-mood, I need more cookies jars! And they must be the same like the very one jar I have a home. So, IKEA it was. And of course I had to also buy other things as well :-)
In kitchen department, I am an even more happier woman. Tried out two new recipes and both turned out well. Made Briyani for lunch. I gave myself a pat on the back since the recipe doesn't call for premix spices and had to be done from scratch.
I also tried Honey Biscuit. Fell in love at first sight masa makan kat Texas Chicken tapi tak sampai hati nak beli banyak-banyak. Mahal!

Adapted from original recipe - The Blue Jean Chef - Buttermilk Biscuit

[1]   2 1/3 cups self-raising flour
[2]   4 tbsp castor sugar
[3]   113 gm butter (straight from the fridge)
[4]   1 1/3 cups buttermilk
[5]   2 tbsp honey
[6]   1 tbsp butter (melted), add honey and stir

- In a bowl, mix flour and sugar.
- Grate butter into the flour-sugar mixture, stir until it resembles crumble
- Add buttermilk and honey
- Using a spatula, mix until just combined. The mixture should be very soft and sticky
- Generously dust a tray with flour, scoop the mixture onto the tray. Using both hands, shape and coat the mixture with flour.
- Arrange in a baking tray.
- Bake for 30 minutes, 160C then take it out, drizzle with butter+honey .. no [6]
- Bake for another 10 minutes

Sedap makan panas-panas with mug of kopi panas on rainy night :-)

Friday 13 May 2016

Thursday 12 May 2016

[Food & Recipe] Kari Ayam

Sebetulnya, that was the first time saya masak Kari Ayam. Husband was away on a work trip. He called and tanya what we were having for dinner.
So... kari ayam?
Kari ayam makan kat rumah?
Kari ayam yang masak di rumah?

I sent him this photo.

Masakan yang orang lain mungkin pejam mata pun boleh masak kot. Saya? Kena google resepi dulu.. tanya kawan-kawan.

Hasilnya? Alhamdulillah. Anak-anak suka. Budak Benyek initially protes. Sudahnya dia yang mencedok kuah banyak-banyak kat nasi dia. And I'm glad Ah Boy suka juga. I am trying to cut down his NKT (Nasi + Kicap + Telur) intake. Yes, nothing wrong dengan telur, protein what kan. Saya cuma nak variasikan makanan dia. As for Kakak, she has no problem adjusting her tekak, just like her mother yang makan macam-macam hehe.
[1]    1/2 ekor ayam saiz sedang - potong kecil
[2]    Rempah tumis - kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, buah pelaga dan bunga cengkih
[3]    5 ulas bawang merah - hiris
[4]    4 ulas bawang putih - hiris
[5]    Halia (sebesar kira-kira ibu jari) - hiris
[6]    2 1/2 sudu besar serbuk kari - tambah sedikit air dan jadikan pes
[7]    3/4 - 1 cawan santan (saya guna santan kotak jenama M&S)
[8]    Garam secukup rasa
[9]    1 sudu the pes asam jawa (saya guna jenama Adabi) - bancuh dengan sedikit air
[9]    3-4 sudu besar minyak masak
[10]  2 1/2 cawan air
[11]  3 biji kentang - potong 4 atau 5

- Panaskan minyak masak dalam kuali atau periuk. Masukkan rempah tumis dan kacau hingga naik bau. Masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih. Tumis lagi hingga layu dan naik bau.
- Masukkan pes kari. Kacau hingga pecah minyak. Hati-hati supaya tidak hangit.
- Masukkan ayam dan kacau supaya sebati dengan tumisan. Tunggu sehingga ayam keluar airnya sedikit. Masukkan pula kentang.
- Masukkan air dan santan. Biarkan hingga menggelegak seketika.
- Masukkan pula air asam dan garam.
- Didihkan hingga ayam masak dan jika ada kentang, kentangnya empuk.

Bila masak ada guna santan, sila jangan leka dengan benda lain, terutamanya FB atau IG atau wassap :-)  Kalau dibiarkan lama tak dikacau, ada harapan akan berketul-ketul nanti.

Sejak cuti panjang ni, this is the third recipe I tried doing and Alhamdulillah it turned out okay. The other two recipes are Gulai Ikan Patin (Pahang style) and Asam Pedas. I tried doing guna ikan tilapia and then daging tetel. Alhamdulillah menjadi.

Kari ni pulak, makin diperangatkan, makin sedap. And leftover can be frozen. Same goes to Gulai Ikan Patin and Asam Pedas. So sekali masak boleh masak banyak sikit. Some people mungkin lebih suka makan masakanfresh everytime. But I am okay with this reheat thingy :-)

Wednesday 11 May 2016

[Another Year Older] Adam Turns 8!

Peace be upon you.
Alhamdulillah, our youngest turns 8 today.
Still the same manja boy who gives me that big warm hug before entering pagar sekolah and that big wet smooch before bed.

I made this.

When he got home from school and saw this .. he jumped.. clapped his hands.. and said thank you ummi thank you ummi thank you thank you.

Since his birthday this year falls on weekdays, we had an early makan-makan-do (on preceeding weekends) at place of his choice. Food of his choice. But Ummi had to finish them off and clean the plate :-)

So happy with his birthday present that he picked. Did his homework online for few days before deciding on this Lego Minecraft.

Happy 8th Birthday Adam!
We love you loads!

Saturday 7 May 2016

[Food & Recipe] Choco Flakes Cookies

Peace be upon you.

Salam Sabtu. Selamat berhujung minggu. Siapa yang ada kesempatan, jom cuba kukis ini pulak. Still guna basic recipe dari buku yang saya pernah cerita sebelum ni, di entry ini. Tajuk buku '1 Dough, 100 Cookies'. True to its tittle. Bahan-bahan asas sama je. Yang berbezanya ialah ingredients lain that define the taste and texture.
Saya pulak, adjust ikut selera sendiri. Since buku ni written by omputih, ada bahan-bahan yang saya tak jumpa or kalau ada pun, mahal. Hence, ikut kesesuaian.

[1]   225 gm mentega
[2]   140 gm gula castor
[3]   Secubit garam
[4]   1 sudu teh esen vanilla
[5]   1 biji kuning telur
[6]   225 gm tepung
[7]   1 cawan cornflakes (tumbuk kasar)
[8]   6 sudu besar serbuk koko*
- Dalam sebuah mangkuk, campurkan mentega, gula castor, garam dan esen vanilla. Gaul sebati menggunakan senduk kayu.
- Masukkan kuning telur dan kacau sebati.
- Masukkan tepung, cornflakes dan serbuk koko. Kacau lagi hingga sebati.
- Bentukkan bulat-bulat menggunakan sudu dan letakkan di atas dulang pembakar. Tekan sedikit untuk meleperkan dengan menggunakan garfu.
- Bakar selama 12 minit, 160C.

*Serbuk koko terpulang kepada selera masing-masing. Saya guna unsweetened. Hasilnya ala-ala bittersweet.

The cornflakes give a bit of crunchiness. Asalnya nak letak chocolate chip, bukak-bukak pintu cabinet, baru teringat stok lama dah buang and belum beli yang baru.
Anyway, I think the cookies turned out fine, even without the chocolate chips. Bunyi macam angkat bakul masuk sendiri kan? He.. He..

Choco Flakes Cookies ni pun tercalon dalam shortlist biskut raya tahun ni, depending on tahap kerajinan :-)

Friday 6 May 2016

[Food & Recipe] Oat Cranberry Cookies

Peace be upon you.
Salam Jumaat untuk semua.

Since my first trial, I have made another two batches of Oat Cookies. Ah Boy loves it. Bila anak suka, mak pun happy kan. And nice to have something healthier (comparing to junk food that is!) that stays good on the table for days. The newer batches came with addition of dried cranberry, hence the name - Oat Cranberry Cookies.

[1]   225 gm mentega*
[2]   140 gm gula castor
[3]   Secubit garam
[4]   1 biji kuning telur
[5]   225 gm tepung
[6]   1 sudu teh esen vanilla
[7]   1 cawan dried cranberry, cicang kasar
[8]   55 gm oat**
- In a bowl, masukkan mentega, gula kastor dan garam, Gaul sebati dengan senduk kayu. Masukkan pula kuning telur, dan gaul lagi.
- Masukkan tepung, oat dan cranberry. Gaul rata.
- Bentukkan ikut selera masing-masing. I scooped mine into small balls then penyekkan a bit using a fork.
- Bakar 160C, 12 minit.
- Setelah masak, sejukkan di atas redai sebelum disimpan dalam bekas kedap udara.

* My preference is SCS. I tried using Golden Churn tapi SCS juga yang kena kat tekak ni :-)
** Original recipe calls for rolled oat but I used instant oat. Sebab itu aje yang ada kat rumah and comes in small packaging.

InsyaAllah I am gonna bake this for Raya nanti.